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The Lost World Velociraptor

The Lost World Velociraptor

The vicious film raptor as it appeared in 1997's The Lost World. The vicious film raptor as it appeared in 1997's The Lost World. The vicious film raptor as it appeared in 1997's The Lost World.
Author(s)Dinosaur King Peafowl-Master
GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required Exps.EA
File size2.99 MB
Original release date2011-07-11
Archive date2023-11-18
Originally released atNorthern Skies
Author Allows Derivative Mods?Unknown
Languages SupportedEnglish

The vicious film raptor as it appeared in 1997’s The Lost World. Velociraptor is the most intelligent predator in Jurassic Park. They exhibit high levels of aggression towards humans in their environment. They hunt in packs but tend only to attack large prey if they have superior numbers. Armed with needle sharp teeth and wicked hooked claws, these small predators must be treated with extreme caution.

=== Included in the Download


  • TLW Raptor


  • TLW Raptor Backpack

==== Context

When the Mysterious Map Marvels’ Jurassic Park Pack expansion was released in 2008, the Velociraptor was an easily noticeable omission from its roster. It’s completely possible that this download was created to fill that void. Either way, this download will complement the JPP well.

The original version was installed via an .exe file, however because it didn’t play nice with anti-virus software, only the .z2f file is included here. Thanks to Mjmannella for extracting the .z2f from the .exe!

==== Credits

  • Hendrix for the nif model.

==== Known issues

  • The young have white around their tail, a leftover of a feathered tail fan that was on the base model. Parts of the young model occasionally flash black as well.