GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required ExpansionsAA EA
Original Release2011-06-04
Original PlatformZoo Tycoon Volcano + Hideout
Derivative Works Allowed?Unknown


The South Island laughing owl (Ninox albifacies albaficies) was an endemic owl that inbabited the South Island and Stewart Islands from New Zealand, until the British settler development at the XIX century. The laughing owl generally occupied rocky, low rainfall areas. Their diet was diverse, encompassing a wide range of prey items, from beetles and weta up to birds and geckos; even bats, tuataras, frogs, fish, and later on introduced rats and mice. Laughing owls were apparently ground feeders, chasing prey on foot in preference to hunting on the wing.

Credits were given to HENDRIX for the model.

This download has no known issues. Additionally, it has fossils for you to dig up and clone it at the Extinct Research Lab!

It’s also worth noting that this animal is known to have gone through multiple versions, so the actual release date is unknown. The most recent version was packaged with several other birds in a pack known as the Extinct Birds-Ancient New Zealand minipack. This page will be updated to link it here if said pack is ever added to ZooBerry.


zzzzzLaughingOwl.zip1.58 MB8 Jan 2024download Download