
Zooberry is a Zoo Tycoon mod-hosting platform dedicated to archiving mods once hosted by Zoo Tycoon websites that are no longer active. Click here to learn a little more about ZooBerry and why it exists. We also host mods for current modders. Please check out the contact page for our file hosting policy.


Extinctionless Dimension Pack

Extinctionless Dimension Pack

These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo! These three animals have been brought from the fictional Extinctionless Dimension to be adoptable in your zoo!
Author(s)Kingcobrasaurus Flish
GameZoo Tycoon 2
Required Exps.EA
File size3.41 MB
Original release date2009-05-25
Archive date2024-01-02
Originally released atZoo Tycoon Volcano + Hideout
Author Allows Derivative Mods?Unknown
Languages SupportedEnglish

The Fankola, a carnosaur from the island of Madagascar; the Ciote, a desert tyrannosaur from North America; and Polaris, a Siberian ceratopsian on the brink of extinction – these three animals have been brought from the fictional ‘Extinctionless Dimension’ to be adoptable in your zoo!

==== Included in the Pack


  • Ciote
  • Fankola
  • Polaris

==== Context

The concepts for the creatures in this pack were by Waffleflish, and they were made for Zoo Tycoon 2 by Kingcobrasaurus. Waffleflish would later go on to be known as Flishter or just Flish, and to be a modder in his own right.

Interestingly, the Fankola and Ciote use the filter for the Fiction or Reality user-made expansion pack, likely being based on the Burrunjor from said mod.

==== Known issues

  • According to the original download page, the Polaris’ conservation status is Extinct but should be Critically Endangered. It also said that the Fankola’s tail is ‘really wobbly’, however this wasn’t noticeable during testing.
  • The nests of the Fankola and Ciote are invisible, although they are present. If you wish to select them it has to be done from the Zoo Stats menu.
  • Additionally, during testing it wasn’t confirmed if the Fankola and Ciote’s eggs hatch or not. Their hatch timer stayed at red for a while. The Polaris’ eggs are confirmed to hatch and their reproduction is without issue.