GameZoo Tycoon 1
Required ExpansionsNone Required
Original Release2012-05-29
Original PlatformNorthern Skies
Derivative Works Allowed?Unknown


Imported from Wildlife Park 1.

  1. Poplar
  2. Oak
  3. Willow
  4. Birch
  5. Small Pine
  6. High Pine
  7. Large Pine
  8. Sequoia

I set these habitat 9411(many) to let the player place the foliage free and all the animals will be happy with these, you still can see the habitat of the foliage from the background of its icon, Water placeable

Updated: 10 May 2013 to remove unnecessary texts files (Fern).


RDFT_WLP1-Foliage-part1.zip356 KB24 Jul 2023download Download