info This mod has dependencies. Please make sure you have the required mods installed before downloading this mod.View Dependencies
Game Zoo Tycoon 1
Required Expansions DD MM
Original Release 2023-03-30
Original Platform ZooBerry
Derivative Works Allowed? Unknown
Languages English


SeeKings of Depth


Thanks for downloading SeeKings of Depth!

This time, brace yourself to set a brand new aquarium full of the rulers of ancient seas!


This pack is a (VERY) delayed Xmas gift for you all!


You gonna need Borsato’s ui99ztd + LANG–ZBorsato.dll Hack in order to see all animal eras properly!

(See below in the #dependencies section for more info!)

Content List


  • Cladoselache Cladoselache. Devonian, North America.
  • Orthacanthus Orthacanthus. Devonian, North America.
  • Stethacanthus Stethacanthus. Devonian, Eurasia.
  • Edestus Edestus. Carboniferous, Eurasia.
  • Xenacanthus Xenacanthus. Carboniferous, Eurasia.
  • Helicoprion Helicoprion. Triassic, Many Oceans Worldwide.
  • Hybodus Hybodus. Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
  • Ptychodus Ptychodus. Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
  • Ginsu Shark Ginsu Shark. Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
  • Schizorhiza Schizorhiza. Cretaceous, Africa.
  • Onchopristis Onchopristis. Cretaceous, Africa.
  • Megalodon Megalodon. Ice Age, Many Oceans Worldwide.

Bonus items

  • Xiphactinus Xiphactinus. Cretaceous, North America. This one is made to be a voracious eater! Take good care of them!
  • MegalodonJaws Megalodon Jaws. Neutral exhibit & water placeable!
  • FossilDisplay Fossil Display. Neutral exhibit & water placeable!
  • Ammonite Ammonite Display. Scenery item.

Compatibility Guide

  • Compatible with ZT CC

Panthalassa Bay Cladoselache + Orthacanthus + Stethacanthus + Khaydar’s Dunkleosteus

Tethys’ Teeth Edestus + Xenacanthus + Helicoprion

Jurassic Tank Xiphactinus + Hybodus + Ptychodus + Ginsu Shark

African Ancient Coast Onchopristis + Schizorhiza

Deep Sea Kings Megalodon + Khaydar’s Basilosaurus + Khaydar’s Dorudon


  • This is the first time I ever used StableDiffusion algorithm as a tool for background plaque generation! Follow this thread if you wanna know more:
  • Orthacanthus, Edestus, Helicoprion, Ptychodus & Xenacanthus made using Imago’s original models.
  • Cladoselache, Stethacanthus, Ginsu Shark & Schizorhiza made using Bunyupy’s original models.
  • Megalodon & Xiphactinus made using Royboy407’s original models.
  • Hybodus made using HENDRIX’s original model.
  • Onchopristis made using VNDragon’s original model.
  • Animations & reskins made by myself.
  • Megalodon Jaws made using Whalebite’s original model.
  • Fossil Display made using Ulquiorra’s original model.
  • Ammonite Display made using Zhadow’s original model.

Please, report any bug you find at my projects thread in ZooTekPhoenix:

Updates, more projects and more surprises posted there!


Zarawatto, Mar 31th, 2023


Combined Files
Combined File 32.4 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Stop here if you just want the whole mod, no need to go further! This is the combined file for the SeeKings of Depth mod and contains all of the files listed below.
Orthacanthus 1.22 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Devonian, North America.
Cladoselache 714 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Devonian, North America.
Stethacanthus 506 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Devonian, Eurasia.
Edestus 1.77 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Carboniferous, Eurasia.
Xenacanthus 611 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Carboniferous, Eurasia.
Helicoprion 3.10 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Triassic, Many Oceans Worldwide.
Hybodus 506 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
Ptychodus 3.72 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
Ginsu Shark 2.69 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, Many Oceans Worldwide.
Schizorhiza 462 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, Africa.
Onchopristis 937 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, Africa.
Megalodon 10.1 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Ice Age, Many Oceans Worldwide.
Bonus Items
Xiphactinus 2.25 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Cretaceous, North America.
Megalodon Jaws 12.3 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Neutral exhibit & water placeable!
Fossil Display 1.22 MB 2024-10-10 download Download
Neutral exhibit & water placeable!
Ammonite Display 19.4 KB 2024-10-10 download Download
Scenery item.


LANG-ZBorsato.dll insert_drive_file Visit Mod Page
Required for animal eras to display properly.
ui99.ztd insert_drive_file Visit Mod Page
Required for the new location graphics and configurations to display properly.